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KaleidoScope -
Kawm Thiab Siv LLC

Know and See health and research in a new and informed way.

Kawm txog kev noj qab haus huv thiab Siv los pab koj lus neej.

Home | Tsev: Welcome

About Us |
Wb Yog Leej Twg

Professional Bilingual Hmong-English Health Educators |
Wb Yog Ob Twg Kws Qhia Txog Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv

Hello! We are a social enterprise composed of two bilingual Hmong health educators and researchers (Kong Mieng Vang, PharmD; Serena Xiong, PhD, MPH) who believe in fostering a more health-informed and health-literate Hmong community. As Hmong-American scholars, we bring with us a wealth of intimate and lived experiences in the Hmong community and an intentionality to amplify our community assets as we navigate, function, and thrive in mainstream spaces. Our mission is to foster a more health-informed and health-literate Hmong community worldwide.

Nyob zoo! Wb yog ib lub koom haum uas muaj lub hom phiaj xav los qhia peb haiv neeg Hmoob txog txoj kev noj qab haus hauv. Wb yog ob tug Hmoob-Meskas tub ntxhais kawm uas kawm tiav wb daim Doctorate degree nyob rau hauv Pharmacy thiab Public Health. Wb muaj lub siab xav los nthuav thiab qhia wb txoj kev kawm rau peb haiv neeg Hmoob kom lawv tsuas noj qab nyob zoo rau yav tom ntej. Thov neb pab txhawb nqa wb lub hom phiaj no thiab!

Home | Tsev: About Me

What we do |
Wb Txoj Kev Pab Rau Haiv Neeg Hmoob

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Health Education |
Kawm txog kev noj qab haus huv

Using our professional training and leveraging our academic credentials, we curate and vet credible health information and research findings through our memberships in academic institutions, journals and professional societies. Our online clearinghouse utilizes various communication platforms and media outlets (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, radio stations) that are sustainable and offer the greatest reach to the Hmong community. The culturally- and linguistically-adapted health information and resources we provide through our platforms are available to Hmong individuals globally, which has the potential to cultivate widespread changes in Hmong community health norms and behaviors.

Wb lub hom phiaj yog los qhia peb Hmoob txog txoj kev noj qab haus huv. Wb yuav siv xov tooj cuam, yeej yaj kiab, thiab tas lauv los qhia peb Hmoob txog ntau yam tus kabmob thiab tshuaj. Wb vam hais tias txhua leej txhua tus - tus loj tus me, tus hluas tus laus - yuav los saib thiab kawm nrog wb. Thov kom txoj kev kawm uas wb muab rau nej tsuas pab nej lub neej kom zoo mus xwb.

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